Hurricane season is almost here, is your car ready?

Hurricane season is almost here, is your car ready?

Before we know it, the hurricane season will be here! KreateWave is here to help you get your car ready if Palm Beach County experiences an active season. Let’s take a look at a few tips that can help you make sure that you and your car are ready for anything. As with most catastrophes, it’s always best to be prepared for hurricane season while also hoping that it’s a quiet one.

Tips for Hurricane Preparation for Your Car

Now is the time to start thinking about hurricane preparation. Here are a few tips to get you started with getting your family car ready.

  1. Make sure to keep your car’s gas tank filled. And, at the first sign of a hurricane affecting our area, get to the gas station sooner rather than later.
  2. Find a good place to park your car. If you don’t have a garage, take the time to look around your neighborhood for a parking space that is as high a level as possible.
  3. Review your auto insurance to make sure that it provides the coverage you need. No one wants to find out that their auto policy is insufficient for their coverage needs following a hurricane.

As we all get ready for another hurricane season, be sure to include your vehicles in your preparations. We are here to answer all of your questions and provide any guidance that you may need if you need to file a claim.

Contact us

KreateWave is here to help you with all of your insurance needs, including auto policies. If it’s time to renew your policy, or you’d like a comprehensive review of your current Palm Beach County auto policy, contact us today.